AshenBlade Adopts

Site Statistics and Top 10 Adoptables

This page shows you an overview of the top adoptables on this site, as well as some random adoptables that you can level.

Top 10 Adoptables

Here are the Top 10 adoptables of all time, based on clicks.

Adoptable Image Adoptable Name Adoptable Owner Total Clicks Current Level
Goose GenoSans987654321021 128 11
Halretta dlithehil 107 10
Rosa dlithehil 76 8
Flora dlithehil 71 7
Gabe GenoSans987654321021 69 7
Capriworm Lycaron125 52 6
Starpus Lycaron125 41 5
Geoff dlithehil 39 5
Starro Ace 37 5
Cognita koikoi 34 4

Random 5 Adoptables

Here are 5 random adoptables that you can click on and level. The owner of these adoptables will be able to see that you clicked on their adoptable, so they may in turn return the favor.

Adoptable Image Adoptable Name Adoptable Owner Total Clicks Current Level
Starro Ace 37 5
Canteehee clay 3 0
Starpus 17 3
Starpus 14 2
Starpus dlithehil 19 3